Uniform distribution results in effective control
A suitable method for the distribution of natural enemies is the use of distribution appliances. Our blowing devices and dispersal systems make sure that the natural enemies are applied to the crop evenly.

Why use distribution appliances?

  • The uniform distribution of natural enemies is guaranteed, thereby increasing the efficiency of integrated pest management.
  • Using these appliances saves your employees a great deal of time in comparison with traditional methods. Depending on the crop, you can achieve time savings of up to 80%!
  • You can use our devices to apply a number of types of natural enemies in one go. Combinations of natural enemies to control thrips, spider mite, and whitefly for example can be applied with ease.

Which system?

  • Airobug, for the big jobs
  • Airbug, for flexible deployment
  • Mini-Airbug, for flexible deployment
  • Rotabug-W, for outdoor crops at ground level up to around 4 hectares in size
  • Rotabug-R, for large-scale outdoor crops at ground level or on table top systems

A variety of systems are available for the application of natural enemies. The ideal system for you is largely determined by the nature of your operations. The choice is primarily determined by the surface area, although the layout of your greenhouse or outdoor growing method also plays a role: are your crops cultivated on concrete floors or on cultivation tables? Is your greenhouse equipped with a pipe rail or monorail system? Where are the gutters and fastening cables located?

Watch the video about blowers on YouTube.


Overview blowers for natural enemies